Candy Ball - As One (Candy Ball - As One)

Mei tau ying jui liu mo
是時候要 舔舔雪菓子味道
Si si hau yiu tim tim suet gwo zi mei do
甜蜜裡 丁點不記得苦惱
Tim mat lui ding dim bat gei dak foo no
時光好 不可能虛耗
Si gwong ho bat hoh nang hui ho

Ooh 並未醉倒
Ooh bing mei jui do
Daan na jau sam jue goo lik tong moh faat yi do so
滿腦也是你 即使想詐欺
Moon no ya si nei jik si seung ja hei
Keuk wing yuen mei wooi jaang hei

Hello 请注视面前的我
Hello cheng jue si min chin dik ngoh
混和甜與蜜合製出 Candy ball
Wan woh tim yue mat hap jai chut Candy Ball
壞記憶統統說 Bye bye
Waai gei yik tung tung suet Bye bye
Baby you’re the only one
我正是這樣傻 Love you
Ngoh jing si je yeung soh Love you

Hung wong laam luk kau jo
味蕾上要 爆發刺激感味道
Mei lui seung yiu baau faat chi gik gam mei do
甜蜜里 仿佛心跳都听到
Tim mat lui fong fat sam tiu do ting do
停不到 心声全公告
Ting bat do sam seng chuen gung go

Repeat *

Repeat **

猶如糖蜜餞 服藥後美點
Yau yue tong mat jin fuk yeuk hau mei dim
你去到哪方 天空都会闪
Nei hui do na fong tin hung do wooi sim
Oh 有了你未懼怕險阻
Oh yau liu nei mei gui pa jim joh
前面有劫数有受挫也会放任笑着抵挡 Yeah
Chin min yau gip so yau sau choh ya wooi fong yam siu jeuk dai dong Yeah

Hello 请注视面前的我 (专心看着我)
Hello cheng jue si min chin dik ngoh (juen sam hon jeuk ngoh)
混和甜與蜜合製出 Candy ball
Wan woh tim yue mat hap jai chut Candy Ball
壞記憶統統說 Bye bye
Waai gei yik tung tung suet Bye bye
Baby you’re the only one
我正是這樣傻 Love you (若愛就講 Yeah)
Ngoh jing si je yeung soh Love you (yeuk oi jau gong Yeah)

Repeat **

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